Tana 22 months
So weird to think about Laney being this age when I had Tana...way too much chaos to do that again! Both girls are changing so much. Laney is now spelling her name, recognizing her name written, and starting to write her name...her N ends up upside down, so cute. She has already been put in a group by herself at school to count with the teacher. She is already understanding the concept of multiplying. She was counting how many eggs I was cooking the other day, gets to 8, then says, "there are four people in our family, Mommy, Daddy, Laney, Tana...you cooked eight eggs, does that give each one of us two eggs?" NO kidding...I just stood there...she's definitely Scott's brain in a little me package. Tana continues to talk more and more. Lots of words are just the first syllable, but many words she says so clearly. She is also counting. She verbally counts to 10 very well, and is starting to physically count to 3 and 4 pretty consistently. Both like to count cattle with us...it's funny, Laney counts pretty good, Tana says "one, two, three, four, five...one, two, three". They are just so darn cute. Laney was wearing the snow hat and mittens the other day, thought she looked so cute, it was 65 degrees...no such luck that we'd actually get any moisture. Feedlot is getting fuller and fuller, but things are going good. Ultra sounded 1800 heifers and cows the last 2 weeks and have a very small pen of opens...breed back was pretty good even with the drought. Sold some open heifers for more than we thought we'd sell our breds for...good stuff. The random pic of my leg is the aftermath of last week. The bruise started as the shape of a horse shoe, then with the brace I'm wearing it all swished into a straight line, so weird.