Looking Forward

Laney finally took some forward crawling "steps". She took 4 on Saturday and just takes a few each day. When she isn't thinking about it, she motors, but when she concentrates, the belly wins every time :) We finally blew up her little duck bath, and as you can see, she had a ball. Sadie couldn't figure it out at first, it quacks and she didn't quite know whether to lick it or run. She ended up licking it and Laney, which makes Laney just crack up...it's so cute. Laney got so excited she pooped in the new duck bath :) oops, Scott said he's done that before :) Anyway, TMI ??? He danced around the living room with Laney last night and she LOVED it. She giggles when he turns and smiled the whole time. The other night we had some roasted veggies, she had already eaten her dinner and was just sitting on Scott's lap chillin' before bed watching him eat. She just kept eyeing him eating his veggies and kept opening her mouth wanting some. So he offered them to her after they were in his mouth and she totally did the "Lady and the Tramp" Spaghetti scene with him...over and over, just hysterical. She is getting very big and almost too big for her swings...the one in the picture obviously needs to go :) She just sits up and leans forward...the swing sounds pretty sad trying to move her little brick self. We just love her and each day brings something new.
8 months!

I can't believe it, Laney is 8 months old already! I know I just posted a couple days ago, but I thought I'd post today, my used to be usual Wednesday post and get back on track :) It got cold this week, fall is rolling in and so I got Laney's hat and mittens out. Couldn't resist the picture, she is not too happy to have all the garb on. In fact she makes these funny noises as she tries to squirm her way out of the hat, but she actually ends up pulling it down over her eyes, then she just sits there very still with a big frown until I pull it up. It's so funny, I try to avoid doing it just for entertainment :) She loves playing with all her toys, but she especially loves the dog toys...Sadie's bone makes her laugh, then she chews on them. When Sadie is chewing on one end and Laney is chewing on the other end it's hard not to laugh. I have tried to hide the dog toys in the dog toy box, but Laney is too smart and found it...she knows I always take them away from her, so now when she gets over to it, she will get very quiet and pick out the socks and bones slowly, sometimes looking around to see if I'm watching. When I find her she quickly looks back at the toys and grabs what she can and pretends she didn't see me...then she chuckles to herself :) it's hard not to laugh at her, she has such a sense of humor it's hilarious.
Pinch me I think I'm dreaming

Sorry I'm late getting this post up, I'm a blog slacker, a blacker or a slogger...anyway, our little munchkin is growing and changing so much! I'm glad I've kept the blog because it's nice to just look back over a week and mark her changes. She has really developed a serious pinch!! She pinches so hard and pinches everything! I try and get her to pinch my finger, but she doesn't like her hands messed with when she is busy doing what she wants, so she insists on pinching the skin on the back of my arm, my neck, my chin, just about whatever she can get a hold of before I can distract her little fingers :) She has also discovered my eyelashes and tries to grab them between her index finger and thumb...makes for some nice stabs in the eye when I'm not ready for it. She loves being naked and yes, the shower is STILL her most favorite place! She loves the parachute game. Remember back in grade school when the whole class would sit in a circle around the edges of a parachute, grab a hold, throw it in the air, then quickly pull it tight to the ground behind yourselves so that you were sitting in this colorful globe full of air?? Well we don't do that exact game, but we lay in bed and pull the sheet up, fill it with air, and pull it down behind our heads for Laney to play...she just squeals and giggles, and kicks the sheet, she LOVES that game and it never gets old, at least for her...my cheeks start to hurt eventually from laughing at her, she is just so darn cute! She now loves to pull her play mat over on top of herself or she sits behind it and peeks around it, then just cracks up laughing and squealing. I also found my stuffed bunny from my childhood, it was my favorite toy and I think, based on pictures, that I've had it since birth. I gave it to Laney and she loves it. She will take it nice and gentle, give it a hug, then she grabs a hold of its ears and shakes it violently...it has a rattle inside and she really loves shaking it. She is so much fun and such a happy little baby, we feel so blessed to have her :)
Movin' & a Cruisin'

Miss Laney gets around. She hasn't actually taken those crawl steps, but she is all over the place! She is getting faster and faster about reaching out, taking the plunge, not quite getting her legs to follow, lowering her belly for a quick rest, then pushing herself back on her butt. She will throw a toy then jump on to her hands, reach out and get it. She has so many expressions now, hundreds of little faces. I finally captured some of my favorites this time in pictures, but there are so many more that I seem to never quite get because her face changes so fast. She is getting ticklish under her armpits, but she almost laughs harder at the anticipation of getting tickled then when you are actually tickling her. She has such a little sense of humor too. Before Scott or I tickles her, we get a very straight face and act really serious, and you can just see in her face she knows whats coming, she'll raise an eyebrow and this smirk appears, then she starts to giggle and when you go in for the tickle she's already busting up! It's too cute. She has added a few "words" but I'm not sure what she's talking about yet..."naynaynay" "nahnahnah" and "babababa". "Mom" and "dad" are very clear now, she'll vary between "mama", "mom", "mum", "mommmomum", "dadda", "dad", "dadddy", and "dadada". She now sounds like she says "oh mommm" when she hugs me...melts me all over the place! She loves to click her tongue. She just plays and talks and clicks her tongue. She has started to make a question sound with her voice too. I'm not sure that she is connecting it with wondering about something, but it comes out when she's playing a lot. She is eating lots, loves her veggies!!! good girl!!! I made her fresh foods out of our neighbors garden and she loves it all, sweet corn, green beans, zucchini, she hasn't turned her nose up at anything except for bananas so far...she isn't too fond of those, but we keep trying.