Pinch me I think I'm dreaming

Sorry I'm late getting this post up, I'm a blog slacker, a blacker or a slogger...anyway, our little munchkin is growing and changing so much! I'm glad I've kept the blog because it's nice to just look back over a week and mark her changes. She has really developed a serious pinch!! She pinches so hard and pinches everything! I try and get her to pinch my finger, but she doesn't like her hands messed with when she is busy doing what she wants, so she insists on pinching the skin on the back of my arm, my neck, my chin, just about whatever she can get a hold of before I can distract her little fingers :) She has also discovered my eyelashes and tries to grab them between her index finger and thumb...makes for some nice stabs in the eye when I'm not ready for it. She loves being naked and yes, the shower is STILL her most favorite place! She loves the parachute game. Remember back in grade school when the whole class would sit in a circle around the edges of a parachute, grab a hold, throw it in the air, then quickly pull it tight to the ground behind yourselves so that you were sitting in this colorful globe full of air?? Well we don't do that exact game, but we lay in bed and pull the sheet up, fill it with air, and pull it down behind our heads for Laney to play...she just squeals and giggles, and kicks the sheet, she LOVES that game and it never gets old, at least for cheeks start to hurt eventually from laughing at her, she is just so darn cute! She now loves to pull her play mat over on top of herself or she sits behind it and peeks around it, then just cracks up laughing and squealing. I also found my stuffed bunny from my childhood, it was my favorite toy and I think, based on pictures, that I've had it since birth. I gave it to Laney and she loves it. She will take it nice and gentle, give it a hug, then she grabs a hold of its ears and shakes it has a rattle inside and she really loves shaking it. She is so much fun and such a happy little baby, we feel so blessed to have her :)
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