Is there some sort of award for the most social baby?? Laney would win it I'm sure! She loves being the center of attention and soaks it up like a champ everytime. She saw Great Aunt Cathy, met Great Uncle Richard and 2nd Cousin Annie and her friend Amy, saw Great Grandma Margaret, and spent 2 days with Mor Mor and Grandpa Tim, with not a single meltdown. In fact she postponed bedtime twice or three times just to not miss a beat of the party! She now is really trying to say "mamama". It comes out sometimes, but her first official word is definitely "dadada". She now says it mostly when Daddy is around and touches him on the face when she does...then she works really hard on mamama, she knows I'm "mama" she'll smile when I say mamama, dadada just flows out a lot easier. She loves going on walks in her stroller and rides on our "buggie" the 4-Wheeler Ranger, and loves napping on daddy while farming in the big tractors. Anything that vibrates and is loud seems to help her nod right off. She has started to try and say "poooooop" in a breathy sound while she is on the potty after she has gone #1 and usually within a few minutes she goes #2. She is pretty amazing. Constantly doing things that amaze us. She is so happy all the time. Everyone who meets her comments on how calm and content she is and how happy she is. We just love her!