
Laney this week has gotten pretty mobile! Not crawling yet, but she gets around anyway very well. She rolls all over, she creeps on her back by digging her heels in and pushing off, and she takes dives from a sitting position towards toys. She also rolls with toys in her hand and rolls to get toys, then brings them along on her rolling journey. She is also starting to adjust her hand to the size of the toys when she goes to pick them up anticipating the shape and size of things. When it's a stuffed toy she opens her hands wide and grabs them and hugs them to her face as she bites them with love :) Then she will go for a block with her hand open with her fingers slightly bent as if she is predicting the shape of the block. Then when she goes to pick up a spoon she has a slightly open fist as she goes for it and just closes her fist around it. She still loves playing with her lips, and now she can make them sound like a motorboat without touching her fingers to her mouth. She has also learned that when she does flap her lips with her fingers, her voice can alter the sound. She starts off kind of quiet, and then gets really loud, then back to quiet. It's really amazing seeing her comprehension skills develop. I'm also shocked at what she seems to understand and how quickly she understands and reacts to things. One example is the potty. Solid foods has just changed her schedule a bit, and sometimes she gets frustrated pushing and nothing happens :) When she gets frustrated she gets sort of anxious and stiff and makes little fists in an attempt to move the process along, but the other day she was doing this and hugged me while on the potty all frustrated, and I told her that it was ok, just take a deep breath and relax...and no kidding she just took a deep breath and sighed on my shoulder...nothing moved any quicker but she relaxed when I told her too. She is also getting very sensitive to me leaving her anywhere, or being put down when she wants held, or taking something from her that she has in her hands. She loves to hold and touch and investigate everything! Everything still ends up heading to her mouth, but she is starting to listen better when I stop her from things going to the mouth. The other day she was looking at a catalog on the potty, shaking it by the pages, wrinkling and ripping the paper until she had little bits in her hands. She picked at those pieces in her hands and chuckles at herself (which is hilarious) then starts to put them in her mouth. I just calmly said "no honey, that's icky, don't put that in your mouth", she looked at me, listened, then just kept investigating them...but didn't put them in her mouth. Think that will work with candy?
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