Little Miss Laney is quite the character these days. She is reaching for everything and loves touching anything she can reach. for a couple weeks now she has been opening and closing her hands on everything she touches. She loves petting Jo and Sadie, and Sadie doesn't seem to mind the hair pulling like Jo does. She loves to "scratch" the sheets when she lays in her bed. She loves faces too, touching them and grabbing noses, chins, eyes :) Her language is growing by the day. The last couple of days she discovered a new sound, sort of sounds like a closed throat and nasally "a" or "eh" sound, I guess. She gets very excited and laughs now when we play "peek". We cover her face with a burp cloth or her shirt and ask where Laney is, then we take it off and say "peek" and she laughs. That is the sweetest laugh! She squeals with delight when she plays with her mobiles and rattles. She is just hysterical, the faces she is making and expressions. She rolls and rolls now too. She starts rolling over and instead of rolling back to her back the way she came, she just keeps on rolling. Yesterday she ended up on the carpet by Sadie 4 feet from where I'd put her. On Monday she started to cut her first tooth! Well, today I discovered 2 emerging, an upper right molar, and an upper left molar! Looks like her bottom fronts wont be far behind, she keeps sucking in her bottom lip and rubbing her tongue along her lower gums. We went to the doctor again today for her 4 month check up and she is 16.1 pounds, and 26.5 inches long! That puts her in the 90 percentile for weight and the 95 percentile for height. Her doctor was pleased that she was doing so well with her development :)