I wont have a picture this week...sorry...we have been so busy weaning calves, chopping silage, and shipping grass calves, we just haven't had the energy left over to snap a picture. I know, that's sad. But I did want to share with you all that I FINALLY felt the baby moving in there. I felt the first movement at 20 weeks, then another couple of small movements at 21 weeks, but this week bun has been having a party in there. Pretty much every few hours I get a couple good wallops from it. Scott was so surprised when he felt it...he was expecting a little subtle tap and bun gave him a huge kick, it made him jump :)
The book says that our little bun is about a pound this week (ours might be a little ahead of that...last week at the ultrasound it was already 15 oz). It says that bun can hear things going on outside now and is grabbing the umbilical cord, practicing it's grip.
Really sweet story...we've been chopping silage these last 2 weeks and I'm the one in the office weighing trucks...usually alone and bored :) Scott spends the whole day in the chopper. Well the other day we were done for the day, baby hadn't really moved all the much that day, little bits here and there, but not a whole lot. At the end of the day Scott was talking with our hired guys, standing pretty close to me and the baby went crazy kicking when it heard Scott's voice. Scott just beamed when I told him :)