21 week ultrasound

Here are the pictures from Wednesday's ultrasound. Our little bun has some seriously long legs and arms and is flexible like it's mom :) The second picture is it's little (or big) foot, and the one next to it, it has it's leg up by it's head :) It was cruising all around in there while we were looking at it, kicking and hiding it's little face...it was so cute...the technician would try and get a picture of it's face and it kept turning away or put it's hand up in front of it, as if to tell us to quit messing with it :)
They measured the baby's spine, heart, femur bone, skull, brain, belly, the placenta, and the fluid around the baby. Everything looked great! It was amazing to see the 4 chambers of it's little heart, it was so cool you could see the chambers opening and closing. They took it's heartbeat again, measured the pattern and it was 145 BPM.
Scott's on permanent pout though because I wouldn't let him find out the sex...he even tried to bribe me with a new car, but I just really want to wait so I didn't budge. We were the talk of the whole office...all the nurses and our doctor told Scott that they'd take the new car :)
aunty melissa is so excited, he/she looks great and i am so happy for both of you. keep me posted!! love ya
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