15 weeks

Our spot.
This second pic it scrunched up it's leg and arm as if to hide from us :)
And the third picture was just the normal ultrasound picture of it's little profile. It's in there sort of chillin' with it's hand rested on it's side :)
Kind of crazy...there it is, Baby Salo, our little Small Salo, our Bun in the oven :)
Our ultrasound was this morning and everything looks good. Nothing came up that is of any concern and everything was normal. I recorded the heartbeat too this time...such a cool sound. Both of us teared up again...it's just such a little miracle. Looks like I'm pretty good at growing a human! I'll add another belly picture tomorrow. We were gone over the weekend at Scott's 20 year high school reunion up in Great Falls Montana...we had a good time...so I didn't get one added right on the 13 week mark, but we're close enough.