14 weeks!!

I am really showing now!!! :) not so much really, but more than 12 weeks. And I kind of skipped last weeks picture, oops, but now there is a real difference. I'm actually still wearing most all my clothes still, but they are getting a little tighter around the waist :)
Food overall is much more appetizing. I am loving hot dogs with green relish! Don't you worry I found the organic all-beef dogs at Whole Foods :) I don't think I've eaten a hot dog since I was in high school or before, but now, now I've eaten enough to make up for the last 10 years :) Veggies finally taste great again, and I'm still eating nectarines by the dozen...at least 3-4 a day! Most all of the queasiness is gone...I still feel pretty bad in the evenings, but I haven't thrown up in 4 weeks so I must be past that! THANK GOD!!! I still dry heave, but what the heck, I wouldn't feel normal these days if THAT didn't happen. And good news, I can eat meat! Well sort of...ground beef is great if it's not cooked around me....steak is still not so great :) The smell is still disgusting when it's cooking. Pork chops are pretty good tasting but not so good smelling...on the 4th of July we spent the evening lighting fireworks with Klacie, (9 mo. pregnant)Kelly, and Jason (our neighbors) and they grilled pork chops. They smelled terrible, but Scott was so cute and cut them up for me and fed me pieces with BBQ sauce...so sweet :)
You'll look back on this picture in a few months and wonder what the heck happened! Check out a Belly Belt (http://www.treecitydiapers.com/store/product/16588/Belly-Belt/) - it will help you wear your regular pants when you are too big to get them buttoned but don't quite need the maternity pants yet. Glad to hear you are finally feeling a little better - it's nice to enjoy the process a bit since it really is over faster than you can believe.
I love that little itty bitty bump you now have. Take a good look because it will never be so flat and firm again. You look awesome and I am so glad you are feeling better.
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