Loving warm Wickenburg!
This was a fun week. The puppies are 5 weeks old and are getting cuter by the second. They are starting to herd the girls as they run...they try and cut them off and they are even cutting them off and then lying down...I love how smart they are. They change even faster than my girls do. There is a female that Jo has taken a particular liking to...she tends to be the alpha...I think Jo just knows which one may be the best, or the most like her :) Jo is so stinkin' funny with these puppies. She snuggles with them, jumps around and plays with them, bites on them then runs away hoping they will chase her, then comes back to get them to chase her...she is so funny to watch. I think Nann is going a bit crazy not having any work to do. She can jump the wall around the yard, she just comes and goes as she pleases...so naughty. The girls are so busy enjoying the warm weather here. They play in the sand, ride their bikes, play with the puppies, jump on their trampoline, play with the lizard...oh yeah did I mention the lizard is going to be a mommy? Just what I need right? ANOTHER litter of something...anyway I'm a fuzzy animal kind of person, not so much a lizard person, so I have no idea how long these eggs take to hatch. IF they hatch...after Laney and Tana have played with them so much...mostly Laney, Tana still gets all "icked-out" around the lizard. Laney went out one day this week with the lizard and let it down to "play" and it "did nothing, Mom, it just did nothing. Not sure if it feels ok Mom." I wouldn't know, hunny, maybe it just got scared of the 12 dogs running around, just a thought dear. The one sort of out-of-focus pic of Tana here at the end...she found my eye liner and colored her face, and hair...I didn't know you could color hair with that stuff.