Tana's letting go

Tana is now walking along the furniture and anything she can. She pushes her little toy that plays music, then walks to catch back up to it, then plays a tune and dances. Then she pushes it away from her again and walks up to it. She started letting go briefly to grab onto the next something and then she walks along that. She wants to do it by herself. If I try and hold onto her or what she's climbing on to keep it from tipping, she very nicely grabs my hand and throws it aside then signs "all done", then she tries it again by herself. She is saying "Bah" to a lot of different things, for a book, for a ball, for what a sheep says, and for a baby. She loves books, she constantly signs "book" and loves to point to objects in them and looks to me as if to hear a sound effect for everything...I'm struggling with the sound a bush makes and she's not satisfied. She is now eating little chunks of things and loving it. When she picks something up that, eats it, and likes it, she makes an "mmmm" sound and her little eyebrows raise. If she doesn't care for what she's chosen she makes a raspberry sound, spits it out, signs "all done" and throws it on the floor for Sadie. She laughs when Sadie eats her snacks...just like her sister used to. Tana loves the kitties, the dogs, and the horses. The horses are intrigued by her and love getting right up close to her head and blowing on her, she just giggles and closes her eyes, then she pets them. She loves to open and close her hands in their fur. She hugs the kitties and Sadie all the time. She loves to give kisses to Mommy, Daddy, and Laney, and loves hugging Laney too. Laney is pretty huggable. Laney will say, "oh, that's so cute, she hugged me." They are so adorable together, they make me laugh. Tana is now riding the big horse "lucky" in the living room. She knows just what to do from watching her big sister do it. She loves to ride Charlie Horse too, the little short rocking horse, she just grabs the handles and goes to rocking. Speaking of the horses in our living room, Laney has been "doctoring" Lucky. She drags him forward, tips him on his side "veins" him with "drugs", marks his head so "we know he was doctored" and temps him in his bum...yeah, what kids pick up. Then she'll call someone on the phone and tell them about it. My favorite is when she says "seriously, you're at the grass pivots?" We trailed our Charolais' home to the grass pivots this week, thought the picture of the whites on the road and the neighbors blacks all in a bunch right next to them was cool.
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