Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tana's Baptism

Okay, seriously, we are the homeless shelter for cats these days. Yet another, friendly little homeless kitten, found its way into our home this week. Laney named him "Woody" (I guess it would technically be Woody the 2nd) and he is no joke, sweeter and more tolerant than even the other little kittens we've adopted. He lets Laney do anything to him and he purrs the entire time. We had Tana's baptism this weekend and had all the grandmas and grandpas there to celebrate along with us and the godparents. Scott and I drove separate because we had a bull jump a fence over in rock river that he had to go capture Sunday afternoon, so Grandma Sheri, Laney, Tana and I went over in the suburban and Scott drove his pickup. When Scott was loading the mineral in the trailer, Jo snuck into the pickup. Scott got in and started driving, heard something, so he looked in his rear view mirror and saw Jo sitting in Laney's car seat wagging her tail with the air conditioner blowing on her face, so she came along :). We had a picnic after the service in a park and the kids and Jo had a ball. Laney, Maci and Jonas, played on the play ground, swung on the swings and ran all around. From the time Laney saw Maci, she pretty much wanted to hold her hand and hang out with her the whole time. Then they joined in a random Frisbee game with some locals. So did Jo...she first played basketball with a loan soldier shooting hoops, then joined in the Frisbee game as well. It was a really nice day, and we had a really nice time just hanging out with everyone. Tana is teething again...seems constant, poor thing, and I'm getting no sleep. Last night I slept sitting up :) Poor Tana would only fall asleep in the ergo baby carrier, so I just propped up all my pillows and sort of slept sitting up...I hope tonight goes better. The pictures of Laney on the phone were so funny...she called her daddy on Grandma's phone and talked for 4 or 5 minutes...asking him if he was at the grass pivots and if he had her was so funny, she is such a character!