"tookies, Santa, milk...yeah"

Ho, ho, ho, it was a merry Christmas! We spent Christmas Eve down at Mor Mor and Papa's with the gang and had a great time. Laney had a blast playing with Vivi and her dress up princess outfits, and with Mor Mor's silver bells. Tana mostly slept. Laney was excited to put out "tookies or Santa, milk, yeah" (cookies for Santa with milk, yeah) but she crashed on the way home so mommy took care of laying those out. Laney seriously got so many toys that it literally took her all day to open them. She would open one and want to play with it, it was hard to get her focus back on the "peasants"...so we opened them in shifts. She got lots of great books, "sticka books", toys, and puzzles. She was pretty delicate in the beginning with the wrapping paper when she'd open the gifts, but by the end, she was a good ripper. The picture of Tana in the shower is evidence of another water baby :) She loves the water and the shower as well. That picture looks oddly similar to ones I've taken of Laney. Tana is growing like a weed! We have her one month check up on Monday, so I'll get the official measurements and weight, but her 3 months clothes are already almost too small. Her feet don't fit in the footie outfits...and she is getting too long for them as well...amazing how fast they go through clothes at this age. I'm using the same clothes I did when Laney was tiny and still don't think I got much use out of them. They sure get washed a lot, just not worn out.

Merry Christmas :) Hope you all had a wonderful day...I'll report more on ours next week when I have all the Christmas pics uploaded...but Laney had a great day and got so many presents that it actually took us the whole day to get them all opened. Tana is a month old tomorrow. It's hard to believe four weeks have come and gone, unbelievable how fast time goes now. Laney has gone with her Daddy a lot the last week to give me some time to just be with Tana and chill when I get the chance. She usually wakes up, eats breakfast and then gets dressed and waits until Dad comes to pick her up. She wants to wear her "cov-ees and tinks" (coveralls and chinks) like Daddy. She is putting sentences together really quite well now. Some of her favorite ones are "timeout, think about it", "mice dose, Mickey Mouse ok, Minnie Mouse ok too", (that's mice are gross...but Micky Mouse is ok, Minnie Mouse is ok too) what can I say she is her mother's daughter on that one. "Mommy do it, Daddy do it" when she wants us to do something. She can get pretty bossy sometimes...it's really crazy how fast she's become independent. She really loves to "hode Tana" and she seems to get more and more comfortable about it. She is a really good big sister :) We went and saw Chris, Kristi, Maci and Jonas Morrow at Kristi's folks place near Sterling last Sunday because they were up and we haven't seen them since Laney's baptism. Laney loved "uncle Kiss (Chris), mus-tass, Maci, Maci, Maci, Donus, and Kissti (Kristi)" She had a blast and totally wiped out on the drive home...we need them to visit more often!