Laney turned 17 months this week, and we celebrated Father's Day. We spent the day together checking our cows and calves and had a great day. She is saying "yummy" now, not just "nummy", and I'm "mom" now most of the time. She loves to play the "mom - Laney or Dad - Laney" version of Marco Polo. She will say "mom" or "dad" really fast and wait until you say her name is her new homing device. She also loves it when her dad rubs his stubbly face on the bottoms of her bare feet, she can't stop giggling.
Summer finally got here and the hail and rain have finally subsided. Yippee! Nummy, is Laney's new favorite word. She still says "mmmm" then adds a "nummy, nummy" on the end. She loves to pick my chives and eat them...she instantly looks at me with a very happy face and says "mmmmnummy". She loves to be outside. We had so much rain this week that we couldn't go outside for 2 days. She ran outside when we could finally go, and threw her arms up in the air. I have no idea if she actually did it to say hurray or not, but it sure was cute :)She also went and took a huge drink out of the horse tank. You just can't keep this kid out of the water. Howard and Johnna came and visited for a day and night. Laney had a wonderful time with them and even gave them each a kiss goodbye.
Yesterday was my birthday, so Scott and Laney and I went to Fort Collins for the day to hang out and shop for my gift. Laney spent the evening with her MorMor (which she signs "more more") and "papa" (Grandpa Tim) while Scott and I went to the Melting Pot for dinner. She spent some time feeding some raisins to her "papa" and then gave him a kiss. Laney went swinging for the first time this week...she has been too scared before to try it (this is the first thing that she has shown any hesitation or fear towards) and loved it. She also discovered after the sprinklers are finished there are some puddles that can be very refreshing.