March wrap up

This week Laney started "talking" on all of her phones, she either says nicely "hi dada", or she sharply states "dad!" She is signing so much now, she started signing toothbrush, book, water, and bath this week. She loves riding poor Sadie still, but at least she is giving her hugs now :) She was riding and hugging Sadie so much that Sadie sort or bucked her off and then licked her and licked her and licked her, Laney was giggling so hard, it was really cute to watch. She also started to ride and try and pick up Howdy Bob the cat. He doesn't care either...he is just happy to have some pets come his way. I think he feels a little neglected since Laney came around :) Everyday seems to be something new with her, she gets more and more capable and understands more and more each day.
14 Months

Hard to believe my baby is now a 14 month old toddler! She started out the day today riding her horse with her dad moving some heifers down the road. She LOVES, and I'm not even in the slightest exaggerating, LOVES LOVES LOVES riding her horses. She of course started crying when I took her off, even though she was cold :) She is so capable now, she gets on and off the bed, on and off the couch, up and down the stairs, all by herself and doesn't want help except with stepping over the door jams to get outside. She is very independent and loves to play outside. Sadie should get paid for all that she does, although I've caught her sleeping on the job so maybe she'd get fired, but not at my house! That dog puts up with so much and still loves my kid! Laney is now pointing out every one's eyes, Sadie's, Newt's, Howdy Bob's (whom she calls "baaahb"), Scott's, mine, and her own, Jo is the only one smart enough to turn her head away :) She loves showing us that she is "one" by holding her little finger up, and giggles when we say "are you one?" She is starting to do things that we don't like so much, getting on the tables, I've had to relocate some of the kitchen chairs so she cant get on the kitchen table anymore and the coffee tables, they're out too...we aren't going to have much furniture before it's all said and done. The books say distract her so she doesn't do the behavior anymore, HAH, have they met her??? I took her downstairs, she followed me into the storage room, watched me set the chairs in there, walked right over to them, crawled up and shook them until they almost toppled. She's way too smart! She is loving her books still, although she is starting to pick new favorites, one's that have a bit longer story...YAY some new reading material for mom and dad!! But in her old favorites she picks out new things each time we read to point one of her books she always pointed to the mouse on each page which lasted for a couple weeks, then she started pointing out the balls, then the birds, now the flowers. She has this thick and long animal book that she picks new favorites in every couple weeks. Her latest has been a favorite for a while now, the cockatoo, it's on the cover so she points to it there, then it appears again on the inside cover so she will point that one out too, then about 15 pages later he appears on the bird page where she points him out again, but if you ask if he's on the pages where he isn't, she shakes her head "no" and keeps turning and scanning until she finds it. She knows red and blue, pretty well. She consistantly points out the red ball and blue ball correctly. She says "ball" everytime we see one. When she hears any dog bark she barks. She also loves the can barely hear its horn from the house, but she hears even the faint horn in the distance and points and smiles. She will point it out as we are driving and she sees it, and when I realize that she is pointing at the train, she giggles. She is doing awesome with the potty. She pretty much goes most of the day with no diaper on, and uses the potty every time I take her. She is still fascinated with her own poop, and points to it in the toilet before we flush, which she likes to watch. She is now signing frog, so now she consistently signs 'dog', 'milk', 'all done', and 'frog'. She understands many more signs but those are the ones she seems to use herself. She is doing so many new things all the time it's getting hard to keep track, but she's so amazing...what a sweet, smart little cookie she happy and fun.