Walking Alone

Tonight right before I got on to do this post, Laney took off walking by herself. And not just a step, she took off and walked 7 steps across the living room. Scott and I cheered for her, so now when she walks she has the excited open mouthed face like she's really doing something :) well she is, but it's so cute. I talk like she's been walking for awhile now...it's been an hour :) The cow sleeping bag was a birthday present from Johnna and she loves snuggling on it :) Her and Howdy her kitty, snuggle with it. Sadie continues to be the go to ride...this time her ears were used as reins. Poor Sadie...she just takes it. It seems like everyday, Laney is doing something that she wasn't doing the day before. This morning she was playing on our bed after I'd made it, and she just scooted over to the edge, turned around on her tummy and slid off feet first. Just like she'd been doing it forever. There isn't much that slips by this kid. She has really started to answer me with a "no" shake of the head when I ask her things. Most of the time it's really what she means...I'll ask her if she wants more to eat, when she's full she will shake her head 'no' then sign 'all done'. When I ask her if she wants to read certain books, she now picks, she'll point and I'll ask her "this one?" and she will either smile and make her chuckle noise, or she shakes her head 'no' and looks me right in the eye, then points to another one. Lately when I ask her "do you need to go potty?" she shakes her head 'no', cracks up, and crawls away from me like she wants me to chase her. She is developing such a little personality, and I'm always surprised at what she does next. We just love her to pieces.
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