
I almost forgot it was Wednesday ;) Laney is now poking our noses, and Sadie's nose, constantly, to hear a tune :) She loves to press your nose then she starts to dance, when the song ends she presses it again and dances again, it's hysterical. She has also started to give kisses more. She has randomly given open mouth kisses in the past, but now she hugs and kisses more. When you ask for a kiss, she more often then not gives those, although they are still open mouth with a little laugh thrown in :) When we go water the horses, we pet them all and she sits on them bareback, which she loves. This evening, it finally was warmer so I took her out of the truck with me to water them. She got so excited like always, reaching for them to pet them. I said "hi Tea", and said hi to the other horses and she said "Tea, Tea, Tea" pointing at them. They all got called Tea, but she kept saying it and pointing. I'd put her on them and she would reach down, point on them and say "Tea". She continues to have a ball with Sadie, those two are really cute :) And she loves the Christmas tree. She is being really good so far with it :)
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