Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry first Christmas

Laney had a very Merry first Christmas!! Thanks for all the gifts for her, she had a blast opening them. She hit an overload wall midstream, she was a little dazed with piles of presents all around her. Grandma Sheri and (Great Grandma) G.G.Pat came and got to soak up all kinds of grins, laughs, and hugs. Before Christmas Day even got here, Laney had a great time just unwrapping the presents from the boxes they came in. Christmas Eve we spent down in Fort Collins at Mor Mor and PaPa's (Grandpa Tim). Laney had such a great time playing with Liam (5) and Aidan (3), Keith and Renee's nephews, and Vivi (now 2), they all got along so well. Laney even colored with them. After the older kids went to play with their other gifts, Laney just colored by herself for another hour and a half. She was putting the crayons in and out of the box, coloring with all the different was too cute! When the group was opening gifts, Laney was pretending to pour her water into daddy's beer and then drink it. This week she started playing peek-a-boo all by herself. She pulls anything, a blanket or my coat, over her eyes, then pulls it down, cracks up, then pulls it back over her eyes and head. She loves it! She has also starting riding Sadie :) She just crawls over to her, jumps on and sits up. Sadie for some reason just doesn't care. She is now posing in baby downward dog and peeking upside down at us. Sometimes she will pose with her head on the ground and then sort of roll out of it cracking up. Oh yes, and as I was taking the pictures, she crawled up on the couch by herself! She thinks that's hysterical! 2009 has been quite a year for us. Looking back it all went so fast and was so full of wonderful memories.