Miss Independant

Laney is getting very independent about things these days, wanting to eat herself, wanting to explore, but she likes to come back to safe home base aka, mom or dad, a lot in the meantime. Laney is so expressive, she has hundreds of little faces, and has such a great sense of humor. She is getting very affectionate too, starting to "give love" back :) Now when she sees mom or dad, she offers big hugs. She hugs Sadie and Howdy Bob, and sometimes she just lays her head down on them and snuggles. She is such a joy all the time. I'm constantly getting comments from strangers and people we just meet about how happy she is, they always ask if she is that happy all the time...and yes, she really is :)
Visit from Auntie Melissa and family

This last weekend Melissa, Jeremy, MacKenna, Gabby, Jeremy's Dad Lazlo, and Volk all came up for the weekend. Laney loved the girls, she constantly was doing her "oooooo" at everything. She will investigate something, look at you, raise her eyebrows, stick her chin out and up, make her mouth all little and says "oooooooo", it's so funny. She has now figured out that it makes everyone laugh, so sometimes she does it, gets a little shy, then does it again. She had a blast playing in Melissa's yarn while she was trying to make a scarf. When Scott was brushing her hair, she sat there in a daze forever, just staring off, soaking it up. She is constantly coming up with new cute things. Her new fascination with the refrigerator and dishwasher makes it hard to get stuff put away...she likes to take all the silverware out of the dishwasher piece by piece and just throw it on the floor behind her, then when it's all empty, she tries to do the same with the plates. Luckily she isn't strong enough, YET, to get those out. Most of the silverware ends up making a couple of swims through to get clean again. She is pointing very accurately now. When we read our books, she points at all the pictures. She is constantly entertaining :)
Happy Halloween :)

I know I put some preview Halloween costume pics up last week, but she just cracks me up in this costume, she is too cute. And she eats the peanut too!! We had a mega blizzard last Thursday, then by Friday afternoon the 10" plus had almost all melted. Laney was fascinated by the snow. She is now pointing at everything, pictures in her books, at cattle out the window, at the snow, and she is knocking too. On Halloween the neighbors came trick-or-treating while Laney was eating dinner, so we weren't yet in our costume, but they came into play. Heee heee, it still makes me laugh, Carter, who by the pictures you can tell was NOT thrilled to be in his costume, was just standing there sulking. Laney was so fascinated by him...she kept saying "ooooo" which you can kind of see in the pics, and she kept poking him and petting him, but the look on his face just killed me. She was having a great time and he was not at all impressed. As you can see, Sadie and Laney are still great buddies and now Laney is starting to hug her. She and Sadie were both trying to catch the slow flying flies that were seeking warmth from the cold and Laney just leaned over and threw her arm around Sadie. That dog just continues to surprise me :) . Jo hurt her little foot this week :( . The mud and slop of melting snow mixed with cow, well you know, makes for some treacherous conditions for a high speed border collie...long story short, she couldn't get stopped as she was turning in front of Scott's horse and the horse stepped on her foot. Nothing major, but she did need a few stitches on her pad. So now she is soaking up the love on the couch getting a little R & R until she heals.