5 Months, Father's Day, Baptism, BIG weekend!

We had a huge week this week! Laney met her Aunt B (Bridget), Uncle Wally (Walter), Uncle Scott, Aunt Diana, cousin Lilia, Godfather Chris Morrow, Kristi, Maci, and Jonas, plus had all her great grandmas there GGPat, Great Grandma Margaret, Grandma Grandma Marge, Grandma Grandpa Cork (the Grandma Grandma and Grandma Grandpa came from her cousin Maddy). Her Grandparents were all there, Grandpa Tim, Mor Mor, Grandma Sheri, Grandma Debby. Plus she turned 5 months old, and got baptised! She took the attention like a champ! Loved all of the attention, never fussed or had a meltdown, she did awesome. The whole weekend was so much fun. Laney is now making all sorts of new noises after being around the other kids this weekend. She is now putting 2 consonants together and it sounds like she's really telling a story, she changes the tone and rhythm of her little voice, it's so cute. We were a little sad that our lawn project and basement weren't complete, but life is life, we'll get to it. The lawn project turned out to be a mess, and the sprinkler guy didn't finish his job leaving a mess for us to fix. Scott and Cork spent the entire rest of Sunday fixing the leaks, and Walter helped take pictures to document the whole thing. We are going to court on Wednesday to solve it. We just loved having everyone visit! Our house was so full of the people we love and we just had the best time. Scott enjoyed his first Father's Day, other than the fact he was fixing the leaks on the sprinkler system :) He and Cork enjoyed a cold beer after all that. Laney bought him a new grill brush which he needed badly, a new grill, and a hopefully fogless mirror (long story). Laney really soaked up Lilia, Maci, and Jonas. She would sit and watch Lilia eat her breakfast in the morning. She really studied them closely and has definitely picked up some new sounds that sound more "grown up". I think my pets Jo and Howdy really appreciated the company too, they weren't shy about soaking up the love too :)Thank you to everyone for coming and making this weekend so special! We love you!
Turning 30

I turned 30 this week...wow, that was a weird birthday to swallow. Not bad, just can't believe I'm 30! I spent the day with my favorite sweeties. But that isn't the only milestone we had this week, Laney had a pretty big one herself. She LOVES the dogs and cats both!! Sadie and Jo, however, both have learned that Laney now either pokes them in the eyes or grabs and doesn't let go. So Jo only will get close enough when Laney is really mellow, and Sadie just runs in really fast for a fly by kiss, which really frustrates Laney. The only one who seems to really enjoy the grabbing without letting go is Howdy, he loves her!! Well Sunday I was sitting on the floor and Laney was sitting on my thigh with her feet touching the ground, and Sadie walked by. Laney started getting all excited and was reaching for Sadie to come over so she could pet her. Well Sadie stayed just out of reach and Laney started getting a little frustrated. She made some louder demands and flapped her arms all around, and then she just stood up! Yep, just stood up! I told Scott to look really quick but he thought that I'd helped her, so I sat her back down and up she went again! She stood there for a minute or two all by herself, I just held her from falling over forward onto her face. She is changing by the second. She still loves the raspberry sounds she can make, and she can finally hold her teether ring at the right angle to get it in her mouth without hitting herself in the face. She just amazes us constantly.
Laney's first vacation - San Francisco, California

This last week we took a little vacation to San Jose, Monterey, and San Francisco, California to go buy some cattle and take a break. Laney was an absolute doll the entire trip! She swam for the first time and as you can see by how many pictures I took, she LOVED it! We swam everyday. I know that was her favorite part. The pictures of her in her diaper sleeping were after swimming and a shower, a little worn out Bunkin :) When we would put her in the water, she would just go to kicking like crazy and splashed her arms around. We probably swam for an hour or so everyday while we were there. We had planned on relaxing on the beach somewhere in Monterey near where we were getting cattle, but it was cold!! So we ended up swimming inside at our hotel every morning and night. Oh well, she didn't seem to mind one bit! We sort of ended up going to San Francisco by default. We just woke up, took a swim, and decided to go see the Golden Gate bridge, which is seriously big! We walked down by Fisherman's Wharf and ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. We got some fresh strawberries and cherries along the side of the road in San Jose from the local farmers....yummy, so fresh! Oh yeah, Laney discovered she can touch her toes now :) It's so cute she gets on the potty and just can't wait to hold her toes. She makes herself laugh :) The picture of her relaxed on her back sprawled across Daddy was the end of the trip, today after we finally got home. We were glad to get back. The last 3 pictures were just before we left Grandpa Tim had come for a visit and Laney is really starting to smile and recognize him. Anyway, we definitely have a water baby, no question...now we are going to have to find her a pool here at home :)