
Wow, what a beautiful week! 74 or warmer everyday...can't beat it. As you can see, we have babies everywhere...calves and now kittens. Wilbur is now a mommy of 5 baby kittens. So far Laney has named them Mopsy, Pup, Sunday, and Buttercup...but then she said she only wanted to name the girl kitty. So I'm not sure what names they'll end up with. Laney said a really funny cute thing the other day about "affection". She started to talk about Tana having a sinus infection, but she says that "Tana has a sinus a fection" and that we need to doctor her (like we do our calves) and then she says that "nobody wants a fection"...made me laugh. Tana is talking so much now. She says "duck kack quack", she growls for a tiger and lion "ra, ra, ra" really fast, and she is FINALLY saying "moo moo" for cows. She was always saying bah for them. I love reading books where we identify the animal, then I ask her what the animal says, she answers so fast, as soon as I'm done talking she can't wait to get it out. It's as if she's racing to hit her buzzer all while blurting out the answer. She is now totally able to crawl up and down the stairs, and all around the yard. We played outside the entire week, and we also spent lots of time roping. We got a new roping toy and got it set up last Sunday, man has that been fun. I don't think I've even rode Paint in 6 years, but he is such a good boy, although he's not sure what to think of the girls. He gets a little stiff when they're around and looks at them like they might just get him. We have just really had a great time roping and enjoying the warm weather. It's been so warm for so many days we turned on our pivots yesterday to start greening up the grass. One morning early in the week I came outside and we were in a clearing of this huge fog cloud all around our house. It was so foggy in a complete circle around us, but so clear inside...really pretty. Oh, and speaking of really pretty, Scott and I were driving in the gates of the feedlot one morning this week and one of the bald eagles that's down there was just swooping down to catch a huge fish out of the river and then he or she flew off...sooo cool and of course I wasn't fast enough with my camera...it happened so fast.
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