Didn't she just turn a year???!!! Now 13 months and everywhere! She is walking pretty good now. Goes all the way down the hall with only grabbing the wall once or twice. She LOVES riding her "charlie horse" and she's getting really pretty fast now. She likes wrestling with the pillows on the bed and then collapsing on them acting exhausted and then she will do it again. She likes taking her toys out of her little toy bin and then climbing in and playing with the toys she forgot to take out. She still LOVES water and turns it on constantly to let it run on her hands every chance she gets. She loves to show people her belly button, and loves to sign 'dog' , patting her leg, then she lets out her version of a bark...which sounds a bit like a squeak toy that is asking a question, when she sees a dog in her book or in real life. She continues to love her books, wants to read all day long. Now she picks the books she wants, if you ask her if she wants to read a book that she doesn't want to read, she will shake her head no. She is getting so good at using the potty. She likes to get off then turn around to check out what came out :) Yesterday she got off, pointed and yelled "a poop". She is full of laughs, we just can't get enough of her adorable self.
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