Crawlin', Wavin', Patty Cakin'!!!

Laney officially started crawling on Friday, Scott and I were sitting there and she just started cruising across the living room and into the kitchen. For not crawling for even a week, she is EVERYWHERE!! She is getting pretty fast too. As you can see she still loves Sadie's bone...whatever...I tried. Her diaper and wipe caddy is also one of her favorites...she gets out each diaper and shakes it all about, then scratches the bottom of the caddy, it's like our daily pre-shower ritual now. She started playing patty-cake too. She has been clapping, and patting her legs, but Friday night she just started clap clap clap, then pat pat pat, then some more clapping and then offered to clap my hands. This was a big week, she also started to wave. We were taking a short walk to the shop to check out what the guys were up to working on the chopper, and she waved 4 or 5 times to the dogs :) Now when you say "hi" to her, she thinks about it and sometimes's really cute. When she involuntarily starts to wave and you wave back she smiles and waves more. She is just changing so fast, and she keeps getting cuter and cuter...somehow :)
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