Animal lover!!

Laney continues to grow like a weed and change daily. She waves all the time now, at everything, at nothing, at herself, at the dogs, at the horses, it's so cute. She loves to read her books, especially the ones with animals. When you are reading a book that doesn't have animals in it, she will give it a chance then peek around you at the table with the animal book, then she'll look back at the book we're reading, then peek back around at the animal book until you grab it and then she just gets all excited. She cruises all over the place, and when she discovers something new she says "oh ooo oooo oh oh"'s so cute. I really loved the series of her and Howdy with the string and the shower, them both looking in the shower, and the series of her and Sadie...her animals are her favorite little buddies :) She is now pulling herself up to stand by the couches...I swear she just started crawling, no??? Those first couple pics of her with Sadie and the bone, she crawled over to Sadie chewing on her bone, and just tried to take it from her, Sadie would move a couple inches and keep chewing, but eventually Laney snagged the bone. She just loves that thing...oh well :) She also started "dancing" to the music on her's hilarious, she bounces up and down to the beat on her knees, it's way too funny.
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