Crawling backwards :)

"Mommommommom" is Laney's big word this week again...she says it all the time. She also is getting very consistent with whispering "poop" when she need to is so cute..."poop" she'll say and you ask if she needs to go poop and she'll answer "poop" very softly, so we go to the potty and she does! She has figured out how to get her belly off the floor now, she'll put her hands down then push back to her knees then round her back and arch her back. She then pushes again with her hands and shoots herself backwards. She can sit herself back up to, but just hasn't figured out how to make the entire motion go forward yet :) She does crawl her hands forward, but then when she gets to where she needs to move her legs, she lays down on her belly. I had to lower her mattress in her crib...she has figured out how to scoot, roll, and push her way to the edge and she pulls herself up, stands up and leans over the edge peeking at the to the rescue :) I'm having to use the word "no" now, a lot! She loves to explore and loves to grab at cords of any kind. I'll say "no" just matter of fact, she stops looks at me, lets go, laughs, then goes for it again...I repeat myself, and she repeats her little's cute but not quite the reaction I was hoping for. :)
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