
Last Thursday, Laney took her first digger and scraped up her sweet little nose and wacked her forehead :( She was playing outside for a couple hours in the morning, then she came in, took a nap, and then went back out to play. She was right outside the sliding glass door on those concrete steps, and the shadow of the house was cast across the second step. The edge of that shadow had changed from near the edge of the step to just beyond the edge of the step by the afternoon. Laney was just walking along (I think) thinking that the shadow was the edge of that step, and just as she reached the edge she realized the edge was there and tried to stop...only to fall right on her nose and forehead...that was the worst feeling. It happened in slow motion and I just couldn't reach her fast enough. Poor punkin, the pics in the salmon jacket are from that day...and that face I thought was just perfect...although she was making that face because of a food she wanted that I wasn't getting fast enough :) She bounced right back into a happy mood after the initial cries, I however felt like throwing up, bleh...not a good feeling watching that happen. Laney loves taking my undies and wearing them as a backpack :) that is what she is wearing in the colander :) Her and Newt are really getting to be great buddies, and she loves hugging all the dogs, it's so cute, she really loves them. This morning, I took the first picture of her with Howdy Bob. She was still crashed, he came in and laid down on her. When she woke up, I just heard her giggle and then she said "Bob". Oh and he is ok in the pictures of he and Newt, that is how they play, Newt just grabs Howdy Bob around the neck and carries him around. They are quite the pair.
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