Aprils fools...or not :)

I'm not sure how we got so lucky in the kid department, but we really got a gem in Laney. Everyday she seems to do something else that is adorable. She has developed such a cute sense of humor and laughs so much. Her laugh is just contagious. Her latest stunts include "trick riding" her cow, lion, and charlie horse. She is quite the dare devil, doesn't seem to realize she should be just a little bit scared or cautious. She loves giving the animals hugs and love, she hugs and squeezes them, and does really good being gentle. The other day Jo and Newt were sitting on the seat in the buggy, Scott was driving, Jo was next to him, and Newt was practically on my lap...he has some body awareness issues we are still trying to work out. Laney was between Scott and I and behind Jo. She just straddled Jo and wrapped her arms around Jo's neck and gave her this giant hug, Jo just grinned. It's really sweet to see how much she loves the animals, and see their friendships blossom. Newt is SO patient and tolerant with her like Sadie is...she takes toys out of his mouth and laughs and squeals hoping he'll chase her and try and get it back, he just cocks his little ears up and smiles. Easter was supposed to be a fun day spent chasing eggs, but this year Laney got a bout of the stomach flu :( She had projectile vomit for most of the day and night, but every time she would lose her cookies, she was instantly ready for a party...so happy and ready for a good time. I wish I felt like that after I puked. It only lasted 24 hours and she feels great now, well other than losing her lunch, she felt good the whole time. She loves being outside and helping me with yard work. I was weeding my roses the other day and she collected all the weeds in her arms, carried them to the edge of the sidewalk by the driveway and tossed them off. She loves to help with anything. Although if you are tidying up her toys, she quickly gets in the middle of that and tosses them back out :)
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