35 weeks

Bigger, bigger and even bigger...can't believe that it keeps getting bigger! I'm ready already....this kid moves like it doesn't have any room left, poor thing keeps poking me in the ribs, sticking it's little butt out, I feel bad that it's so squished in there.
The book says that it's 5 1/2 pounds! Growing and gaining about 1/2 pound a week...Bun that is :) well heck I guess that means me too. Almost done with my eighth month, I almost can't believe it's almost here. We are so ready and excited :)
Only 5 weeks to go!!! We are just dying to find out if we should be shopping for a boy or a girl! Wish we could have all been together for the holidays, but it seems our schedules are ever conflicting...oh well, maybe this summer.
Take care, talk to you soon.
Love you 3~
Nick, Jessica, Allison and Ava
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