31 weeks

Baby has grown leaps and bounds this week! My book says little Bun weighs about 3 1/2 pounds and is about 18" long. I swear it feel like every time I stand up it's heavier and bigger. My prego tops are fitting a lot snugger these days, and most everyone notices that I am indeed pregnant. There is less and less room for my bladder too.
Bun is still very active, but I can tell it's running out of room in there. The movements are still large and now you can watch from the outside and see all of the little movements too as it turns and moves in there. Last week I had a doc appointment and everything is good. Bun is measuring right on target again. Right now it's head down and flips daily from left to right. I'm starting to retain a bunch of water especially in the evenings, but I still don't really notice a lot of swelling...yet. My weight however fluctuates sometimes as much as 7 or 8 pounds from morning to night to morning again...and my doctor said that since she really can't tell that I've gained that weight, that it's all fluid. There is a girl in my prego swim class that had the same thing happen to her gaining and losing a lot of weight in a matter of days, she didn't notice the swelling at first, and then at about 32 weeks her feet started to look like they belonged on an elephant :) all the lovely things I still have to look forward to :)
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