30 Weeks!!!

Getting very stretchy and tight, and feeling huge! 30 weeks means I'm roughly 10 weeks away from being a true grown-up! The books say little bun is about 3 pounds already. I think just a week ago or so it was only 2 1/2 pounds...just growing like a little weed :)
I'm feeling a little more tired these days, some lost sleep from feeling so uncomfortable, and from major snoring apparently! Poor Scott is getting kept up at night from my snoring...I guess from the increase in fluid in my body, my once occasionally snoring has increased to very frequent chainsaw-like snores...as Scott describes. That is my new nickname in the morning, chainsaw. Gotta love all of what pregnancy has to offer.
I look so forward to the days I get to swim, it just makes my body feel so much better. For one I feel much less in the water, until I get out and gravity rears it's ugly head again. But it just feels so good to move around and loosen up all my tight muscles. I sometimes don't even realize that I'm tight until I get there and start to stretch and move around. I wish I could feel that weightless all the time :)
Love the weekly pictures. Your tummy now sticks out further than any other part of your body. Baby is getting big. 75% done...that must feel awesome.
You look wonderful!
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