18 months already, seriously the time just flys by so fast! We are right in the middle of Cheyenne Frontier Days...we are supplying the calf roping cattle, and Laney is head cowgirl. She even makes notes in her book during the runs. She did however, get bucked off Newt and gave herself a little scrape on her lip...all Newt did was stand up, poor bunkin. During Cheyenne Frontier Days, there are air national guard planes that fly really low overhead all the time because the grounds sits across the street from the guard. The planes are seriously loud and Laney doesn't really like them. Whatever she is doing she just stops and starts running towards me looking worried. But one morning I pointed to the C-130 flying over and said that Uncle Volk was flying it...she kind of frowned at me and thought about that. When the next C-130 flew over she just looked upwards and pointed then waved. She is now saying "my" in front of lots of things..."my dadda" "my mommy" "my puppy", and also saying "joey" although it's more like "yoey". She has a baby animal book that she loves to read (among many books) and there is a baby kangaroo in there and it talks about the joey. The other morning she picked up that book, and sat down to read it by herself. She makes a bunny sign and says "hop, pop, pop, yummy yummy" for the bunnies eating lettuce, turns the page and makes the splash water sign for the ducklings swimming. Then she says "meow" and signs milk for the little kitten drinking milk, and growls for the polar bear cubs. Then she turns the page and says "yoey". I stopped and looked and she said it again "yoey" for the page with the joey hiding in his moms pouch. Her little voice is seriously sooo cute! She really loves to tell me that she is hungry, then when I ask her what she wants she points to her wolf toy...so I ask her if wolf puppy is hungry and she laughs and nods. She eats with wolf puppy a lot :) Oh yes, and one last thing...Laney is going to have a little sister :) We had our ultrasound last week and it looks like another little girl. We are so excited!! Here is a video of Laney last night...we came home from Cheyenne and she was needing some cut loose time so she had a run through the sprinklers...I know...she is seriously chaos in a can.
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