I can't believe that Laney is already 3 months old! She has really started smiling, as you can see in the pictures she's just adorable! She is trying to roll over, she's made it from her back to each side and almost over on her tummy, but can't figure out what to do with her arm. She is trying to sit up all the time. In her swing she rarely lays back anymore, just constantly doing little crunches to sit up. She is making more noises, lots of "ga" and "ouie" I'm not sure how to spell her sounds but they are super cute. Grandpa Tim came up for another visit, and so did Great Grandma Marge and Great Grandpa Cork. The picture of Jo was just cute...Scott gave her the day off after a couple really long days of sorting, and I found her waiting for him on the 4-wheeler.
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