Laney is 10 weeks!

This week Laney started to really observe and study her mobiles. The first picture of her is the look she gives them when she first sees them, as if to say "who exactly are you". But then after a few seconds she cracks these huge smiles because she recognizes them. She has increased her noises to little babbles and coos. She often "talks" to her mobile friends after she smiles at them, you know how it is catching up with friends :) She also started to look up at her row of stuffed animals on top of her dresser as I carry her around her room or when I'm burping her in our glider. So I took a few down and let her see them. She was especially interested in the giant cow that Yaya gave her. I sat it on the floor and held her on my lap, she would look at it, smile, then lean forward, close her eyes, bury her face in it's fur, and with an open mouth, try and suck on it's fur. She would then sit back up look at it, smile, then do it again. It was so cute, it was as if she was hugging it with her face. We had her 2 month check up on Monday, she weighed 12 pounds half an ounce, and was 23 1/4 inches long. Just growing so fast. She also got her first set of shots :( But she was such a good girl, she was very brave and only cried for a few seconds. She is really a happy little kid.
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