Laney is just becoming such a little character. She has learned how to raise her eyebrows and she will raise them in question, then smile, it is just adorable. She really is becoming more aware of her surroundings. She has started to grab and hold onto things. She grabbed her little green dog that Mor Mor and Grandpa Tim gave her off the shelf and raised it up to her face. She carried it around for awhile and had a long talk with it. She has started giving me "kisses" now, I lean in to her and say "kiss" and she leans in and open mouth kisses me :) sometimes she sticks her tongue out too :) We went to Mor Mor and Grandpa Tim's for Easter and had a nice time. Laney really is starting to recognize people. She looks, then she'll give a big smile. She is just changing so much every day it's really amazing how fast she learns and grows.
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