17 weeks already!

Ha ha, you can't tell any difference can you?! The picture on the left is 16 weeks and the one on the right is 17 weeks, but they look the same :) In fact I look more pregnant in the 16 week one!
Oh well one of these days I'll probably be wishing I looked like either one of these!
Wow how the time is flying! I have a doc appointment today, nothing exciting, just getting weighed and measured. The weeks are really going pretty fast though, in just 3 more weeks we get to have another ultrasound!
Still no really weird cravings have hit...no more hot dogs with green relish...even though I'm now stocked up on the good kind, that craving only lasted for 2 days. I'm still eating nectarines all the time...I'm not so sure that is a craving but just something that always tastes great. The pregnancy brain is starting to hit though...forgetful Al has set in! I have to carry a notebook with me now just to remember why I just went into that room to get what again?
The books say our little bun is now 5 inches long, no fruit reference this time, and it's little eyes can detect light through my belly! It's little ears and hearing are developed and working so it can hear me now when I tell it little secrets, haiku's and whatnot's :) It's kind of sereal still.
So enjoy the updates. Not sure but I think you may see a growth spurt in the next few months....I know how these things turn out you see. I think the cravings vary a bit....watermelon, chocolate ice cream, pickles....not sure rib eyes were in there. Think of you an pray for you and the incoming daily. I do have a concern though....I think there may be some baby stuff in the living room soon; just a guess.
Love you, Dad
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